Business After Business - Chances Abbotsford
March 5, 2025 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (PST)
Join hosts BCLC and Chances Abbotsford for an exciting evening of games, trivia, networking, snacks and prizes.
Learn how BCLC and Chances Abbotsford support the local community and generate win-wins for the greater good through host local government payments, community gaming grants, sponsorships, player support programs and more!
Fun Facts!
➡️ You play, Abbotsford Benefits – Last year, the City of Abbotsford received $1.49 million for hosting Chances Abbotsford. ➡️ Since 2009, the City of Abbotsford has received more than $15 million in Host Local Government revenue.
➡️ Last year, 100 non-profit and charitable organizations received $3.18 million through the province’s Community Gaming Grants Program.
FREE for members
$25 for non-members
Prices subject to GST. No cancellations or refunds.
30835 Peardonville Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6K2 Canada